
Visualorvisionimpairment(VIorVIP)isthepartialortotalinabilityofvisualperception.Intheabsenceoftreatmentsuchascorrectiveeyewear, ...Amaurosisfugax·Childhoodblindness·Whitecane·Blindness(disambiguation),Visionimpairmentmeansthataperson'seyesightcannotbecorrectedtoa“normal”level.Visionimpairmentmaybecausedbyalossofvisualacuity, ...,WeproposearevisionofthedefinitionsofvisualimpairmentintheInternat...

Visual impairment

Visual or vision impairment (VI or VIP) is the partial or total inability of visual perception. In the absence of treatment such as corrective eyewear, ... Amaurosis fugax · Childhood blindness · White cane · Blindness (disambiguation)

What is Vision Impairment?

Vision impairment means that a person's eyesight cannot be corrected to a “normal” level. Vision impairment may be caused by a loss of visual acuity, ...

Revision of visual impairment definitions in the International ...

We propose a revision of the definitions of visual impairment in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases that addresses these three issues.

Vision Health

According to latest World report on vision released by the World Health Organization (WHO), October 2019, at least 2.2 billion people have vision impairment or ...

WHO releases new global estimates on visual impairment

WHO estimates that the number of people with visual impairment (presenting vision) is 285 million (65% of whom are aged over 50 years).

Visual Health - PAHOWHO

Blindness and visual impairment can be prevented in about 80 percent of people. It is almost four times more common in poor and illiterate people.

Blindness and vision impairment

WHO fact sheet on blindness and visual impairment providing key facts, definitions, causes, who is at risk, global and WHO response. World report on vision · Report of the 2030 targets on... · WHO's work on eye care...

Eye care, vision impairment and blindness

Cataracts and uncorrected refractive errors are estimated to be the leading causes of vision impairment; however, other causes for vision impairment cannot be ...

Eye care, vision impairment and blindness programme

Those who live long enough will experience at least one eye condition during their lifetime. Globally, at least 2.2 billion people have a vision impairment.

WHO launches new initiative to tackle the main cause of vision ...

The World Health Organization (WHO) is launching a new initiative, SPECS 2030, to assist countries in achieving the global eye care target.